Thanks for stopping by. This is where I share my writing and the things I’m passionate about. I hope it will be helpful to you.
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New ebook! Resolution
Resolution: making your resolutions & making them happen is Jason Harris' brand new ebook and it is now available! You get one life. Just one. You live it. You use it up. And then it's gone. This is the reality that energises Jason's latest project, Resolution, making your resolutions & making them happen. The new year is the ideal time to assess your life to see if you're accomplishing what you're here to do. Jason
The Shepherd
His smile, the instrument of vice; The evil lurks beneath the nice. And truth, a shade to hide the light Dare never interfere with right. See wounded souls, they shrink in fear; He holds the sword of justice here. And woe to those poor sheep he leads, In pastures green, the shepherd feeds...
Biblical options for the physically abused
Question: Wouldn't a godly wife meekly submit “in everything, as to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:24)—including domestic violence—“til death us do part”? (statistically, death at his hand is a real possibility) Question: Isn't it “acceptable with God” to “endure grief, suffering wrongfully”? (I Peter 2 & 3) In a previous post, we saw that God hates abuse, labeling it evil and wicked. Will she “win” her husband by bowing to and enabling his sinful, wicked pattern
Benefits of dealing with the “too hard” box
If you commit to handling the "too hard" cases well, there will be some benefits. 1) Your "too hard" box will shrink. I'm not saying you'll have fewer difficult cases. You'll probably have the privilege of working with more difficult cases. What I mean is that there will be fewer and fewer problems which are too hard for you. As you work through difficult situations, you will find yourself more and more skillful at helping