Hello. Thanks for stopping by!

You might be wondering who this Jason guy is. Well, pretty much just that. Some guy. Who likes to think. And write. And this is where I share what I write with the world.

I hope you’ll take a moment to look around, and as you do, I hope you’ll find something that’s helpful to you. As a Christian. Or just as a person.

The “Jason rant”

If you stick around long enough, you’ll notice that I’m pretty passionate about a lot of stuff. My friends tell me I rant sometimes! I think I was born that way. But I also became that way by living through some pretty yuck stuff.

Someday, perhaps, I’ll share some of that with you. For now, I just hope you’ll take it easy on me because sometimes my passion for something can make me come across pretty strong. But in spite of that, I really do care about people. And I want to be fair, and reasonable, and represent others accurately. If you’re kind enough to critique me, I’ll usually respond quite humbly and thoughtfully.

What I’m passionate about

So what gets Jason revved up? Well, first, God does. I think the Christian God is the best thing in all the world (and outside it!). I think he’s better than anything or anyone else. And I would love the chance to make you see him as the beautiful, amazing, better God that he is.

I’m also pretty passionate about justice. I am passionate about advocating for the voiceless and protecting the vulnerable. My primary focus is on working with survivors of domestic violence, often in the church. In far too many cases, the Christian church simply isn’t safe for vulnerable people—women, children, the mentally ill, the disabled, the same-sex attracted, and so many others who find themselves marginalised and looked down on in the church.

I’m also passionate about reading, thinking, and theology. I think the human race would be better if we did more—and better—of all of the above.

Finally, I’m passionate about writing. I have things I need to say on these topics and many others. Things that I’m convinced others needs to hear. And so I write. Not because I think my writing will be popular. I know it usually won’t. I write because I must. I feel what Orual, Queen of Glome, expressed on her journey from the temple near the hot spring: “I was with book, as a woman is with child” (Till We Have Faces, C.S. Lewis, p. 281). And so I write. And pray that I will continue to write until I’m done writing what God has for me to write.

Who am I?

I’m an introvert. I like to sit in my study and read while I sip coffee. Or sit at a coffee shop and write. I fire on both sides of the brain pretty equally. So I dabble on both the creative, artsy side as well as the analytic, organised side. For instance, I have degrees in both music and accounting. Weird. I know.

I value realness. I value deliberateness. I value goodness. I value truth. These values are deeply woven into the fabric of who I am.

I live in beautiful Cairns, Australia. If you’re ever in the region, you might see me wandering the Esplanade, haunting the local coffee shops, or indulging my photography hobby. In my free time, I serve as a pastor at CrossPoint Church.

You can contact me at jason@jasonharris.com.au.


Doctor of Philosophy
James Cook University, 2023

Postgraduate Diploma of Research Methods
James Cook University, 2014

Master of Professional Accounting
James Cook University, 2010

Graduate of Theology
Sydney Bible Baptist College, 2005

Bachelor of Music
Bob Jones University, 2004


Editor: Kezia Dennison (editor@jasonharris.com.au)

This website functions as a selective archive of articles posted at InFocus between 2005-2020.

Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are generally from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.