Thanks for stopping by. This is where I share my writing and the things I’m passionate about. I hope it will be helpful to you.
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Why we pursued prosecution
It was 19 February, 2013 when Mum and I walked into the police station in Cairns and reported decades of crimes that had taken place in our home over the forty years leading up to that day. A few weeks ago, more than ten years later, we finally closed that chapter as the judge read out the sentence against my father, Rev. Larry Harris (Illawarra Mercury). He has now been convicted on nine criminal counts
A prayer for those in poverty
This prayer is designed for use in a worship gathering of a Christian assembly. By praying for those in poverty, we can help to shape our thinking about those in poverty in ways which are compassionate and Christian. This prayer is adapted for use in an Australian context from a prayer composed by Janet Eriksson. A prayer for those in poverty God of justice, We bring before you those who are living in poverty in
A prayer on the death of Queen Elizabeth II
The Apostle Paul instructed an early Christian leader: I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.1 Scripture enjoins us to pray for those who are in authority This is a prayer I wrote for use in our church the first Sunday after the passing of Her
Welcome to the new site
Welcome to my new website! This website will have two functions going forward. First, it will serve as an online home for my writing. Second, it will serve as an archive for the best articles published at InFocus over the years. InFocus began in 2005 as the official blog of Give Me Truth. It passed through several forms over the years until it was closed down in April, 2022. I want to take a moment