Thanks for stopping by. This is where I share my writing and the things I’m passionate about. I hope it will be helpful to you.
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Reconciliation after separation
After an abuse victim has separated from her husband due to repetitive and serious sin, she will be faced with deciding what her response will be when he approaches her about getting back together. Whether he comes with charm, tears, or threats, it is crucial for her to first have full assurance that his heart is broken over the pain he has caused, he no longer minimises or justifies his sin, he welcomes consequences and
Freedom of speech, censorship, and the gospel
Note: I first started writing this post over two years ago, but never published it. Since the advent of the Charlie Hebdo massacre and subsequent hot debates about cartoon depictions, religious expression, and equating Christian and Muslim extremism, I have decided to finish and post it. Principles of free speech One of the great principles of the Free World is freedom of speech. "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the
Signposts of true repentance
"A truly repentant person does not negotiate the consequences of his actions."1 Scene: an abused wife has followed Biblical principles and the couple is now separated. One day, her unrepentant husband shows up at the door with her favourite flowers. He says he's had time to think about their relationship. He's sorry, it won't happen again, and he wants to get back together. He needs her. God's way is reconciliation (I Corinthians 7:11) and no
Biblical options for the emotionally abused
What should a wife do when her husband has a pattern of abusing her emotionally and verbally (but not physically)? Defining emotional abuse Abuse is not the occasional burst of anger, selfishness, or criticism. Genuine abuse equals the Biblical term “oppression.” Abuse is a pattern of toxic behaviour (see chart) intended to maintain control over the woman whom he vowed before God and witnesses to love, cherish, and protect. My post Defining Emotional Abuse further