Sharpening iron

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Proverbs 27:17- “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” Recently, I’ve been convicted about the need to spend one-on-one time with people. Hanging out with a group of people is great and has its place but spending time with one or a few people can really grow a relationship in leaps and bounds. “Lately, he had been feeling that this one-on-one individual work was as important as preaching. ‘To have

Insecurity: The God and his love

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In part three, we saw that a mature experience of God's love for us is the only real cure for insecurity. But knowing the love of God will not help unless we really know both the God who loves us, and the kind of love that he has for us. God is not like our human role models who may fail us. His love isn't fickle and changing like human love. He is an unchanging

Insecurity: Understanding God’s love for you

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In part one and two we saw that it is fear that drives the insecure person. While this helps us understand why the insecure person acts the way he does, it doesn't bring us to a solution. In order to find the solution, we must find out what is driving the fear that drives this person. We've got to get to the heart of the problem. The heart of the problem The solution to insecurity

Insecurity: A snapshot

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In part one, we saw in the lives of Jonathan and Nicole that insecurity is a crippling problem and is driven by fear. In part two, we’ll continue to probe the motives and desires of the insecure heart so that we can come to a meaningful and effective solution. Probing deeper Fear in the heart does not always look the same on the outside. As in the cases of Jonathan and Nicole, no two people

Jerry Bridges on pain

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"God never wastes pain. He always uses it to accomplish His purpose. And His purpose is for His glory and our good. Therefore, we can trust him when our hearts are aching or our bodies are racked with pain." Taken from Trusting God, p. 102.

Insecurity: A crippling problem

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Jonathan was running a few minutes late. He gave a tense nod as he entered the classroom and quickly moved to a seat in the back. He had only been at this high school for a few weeks and his one goal in life was to not be noticed. At home, his mum was ok, but whenever his dad noticed him, it tended to result in some cutting remark about his abilities or intelligence. He

Insecurity: Introduction

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It's almost impossible to express the depth of pain experienced by someone with an abused, neglected, or otherwise scarred background. Even after years of healing, the wounds can be shockingly fresh. One of the most common results of a conflicted past is an insecure present. Insecurity, while not restricted to youth, is at epidemic proportions among youth today. Over the next several weeks, we're going to be releasing a four-part series of articles on insecurity

The things I cannot change

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Probably all of us would like to think that our life would make a difference in some way. Thinking about all the things we cannot change is both sobering and humbling. Whether it be a father with his son, a pastor with his people, or a discipler with his diciplee, the change that matters is never something that we can do on our own. We can convince someone to make outward changes, but change in