• Back at work in the post office at Huntington. Slow going with souls here, but there are encouraging signs. Men unsound in doctrine complicate the issue by “sanctification” experiences. Ah, for a place where the Scriptures have not been twisted! Lord, send me to Ecuador! Reading Of Human Bondage stirred

  • I think there is nothing so startling in all the graces of God as His quietness. When men have raged untruths in His Name, when they have used the assumed authority of the Son of God to put to death His real children, when they have with calloused art twisted

  • “Enjoyed much sweetness” (as he puts it) in the reading of the last months of Brainerd’s life. How consonant are his thoughts to my own regarding the “true and false religion of this late day.” Saw, in reading him, the value of these notations and was much encouraged to think

  • There is that restlessness, that itching, urging discontent in me again this morning. The milk of the Word curdles before me or seems to sour within. Hatefulness and rebellion against all restraint is not far from the surface; and it is good that I am not alone here. “Lead me

  • Leviticus 12, 13 “I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me” ( Pss. 51:5 KJV). From the beginning of my life my contact has been with the unclean—how than can a man become pure? The atonement blood that cleanses my mother must avail also for

  • Elizabeth, New Jersey. Great joy in a missionary meeting for prayer and testimony. Spoke afterward with Carl Johnson of Congo. He counseled Pete and me thus: 1) Never let the sun go down on the slightest miff between us. Walk in the light with no darkness between us; 2) Always

  • Dale Morgan married tonight, and as usual, I came away soured. Twentieth-century Christian weddings are the vainest, most meaningless forms. There is no vestige of reality. The witnesses dress for a show. The flesh is given all the place. The songs are absurd if one paid any attention to the

  • 1 Samuel 16 Saul was anointed while seeking asses; David while tending sheep. The kings came from things commonplace. “God looketh on the heart” (v. 7). Skill, fine features, pleasing manners—”personality”—can be had by external imposition, and God cares little for such. His eye is on the heart. Now external

  • Letter from Fritz… today. Most encouraging. Lead him on, Lord. Inspiration From Gaussen’s work Theopneustia [the Greek word which the King James Version translates “is given by inspiration of God”] I have been stimulated to define my view and reasons for inspiration of the Scriptures. Here are jottings: Gaussen defends

  • Leviticus 17, 18 The place is important. There was to be no indiscriminate choice of where the sacrifice was to be slain. Only at the door of the tent of meeting could God accept the oblation. So today every act of faith which is acceptable is accomplished before Him who