Jim Elliot Header

Elizabeth, New Jersey.

Great joy in a missionary meeting for prayer and testimony.

Spoke afterward with Carl Johnson of Congo. He counseled Pete and me thus:

1) Never let the sun go down on the slightest miff between us.

Walk in the light with no darkness between us;

2) Always be willing to abase yourself before a native.

“We think and say that we are just being ‘firm,’ but they know that we are angry”;

3) Beware of idols.

In going to lead other men away from idols, the Enemy will put them in your own house. His hobby, he said, was hunting; he got to like it better than speaking to souls about Jesus.

Beware, my soul, of idols.

–1 October, 1951

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About Jim Elliot

Jim was one of the most notable Christian martyrs of the twentieth century. He died taking the gospel to the Huaorani people of Ecuador. Jim was a graduate of Wheaton College and an evangelist in the United States before embarking to minister in Ecuador. Jim's official biography is called The Shadow of the Almighty. Jim's wife, Elisabeth, still ministers broadly. Jim's postings on InFocus are all taken directly from The Journals of Jim Elliot.

One Comment

  1. Ben Kwok 24 October, 2009 at 1:24 pm

    excellent advice! one missions survey has reported that disunity was the #2 reason for missionaries leaving the field. (immorality was #1)

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