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Quadricentennial celebration (1611-2011)
We're just over a month now from welcoming 2011. Whatever else 2011 brings, it also marks four hundred years since the translation of the Authorised King James Version in 1611. This is a notable landmark for the Church of Jesus Christ and I hope to see it marked by celebration and a renewed focus on God's providential preservation of his word throughout the ages. Already Thomas Nelson and Hendrickson have published commemorative editions of the
Two ways to live
When was the last time you had a gospel conversation? Is the gospel difficult for you to explain? If you are rusty with evangelism, you could really benefit from Two Ways To Live. What's Good About It Theology The Two Ways To Live outline presents these theological points: 1. Creation 2. Sin 3. Death and judgment 4. Jesus' atoning death 5. Jesus' resurrection and lordship 6. Repentance and faith Creation can be a controversial topic,
As unto the Lord
He was born in 1898 in London, England. While studying engineering, World War One was devastating countries, people’s ideals and families. The Army Flying Corp which later became the Royal Air Force became his home and occupation for the next few years. But the highlight of his time in the army was during his service in France when someone introduced him to Christ. With a whole new outlook and meaning to life, he was drawn
Descending to the dungeon
The great English Baptist, Charles Spurgeon, loved to allude to his second favourite book in his writing and preaching. One such allusion is found in Spurgeon's statement below: There are dungeons underneath the Castle of Despair as dreary as the abodes of the lost, and some of us have been in them. Some of you know these dungeons well. The darkened corridors and stone cold floors are easily recognised. Within these dungeons, you move with