I’ve spent the past two months researching the lives of Fred and Sybil Pucknell. Not a minute has been wasted. Not one email or one letter. I have enjoyed receiving every piece of the puzzle. I have been thrilled when someone has given me information and it has linked with […]
He was born in 1898 in London, England. While studying engineering, World War One was devastating countries, people’s ideals and families. The Army Flying Corp which later became the Royal Air Force became his home and occupation for the next few years. But the highlight of his time in the […]
Ah, a Beatles song. Isn’t it? Maybe that’s what went through your mind when you first read the title. Maybe, maybe not. Depends how old you are, what kind of music you prefer (or once preferred) or what you were thinking about as you sat to read this post. For […]
Children live in Pormpuraaw. They can be found in many places around here. You don’t have to look far even if you’re just driving into town. They could be playing marbles on the road, throwing rocks at certain trees to get the fruit down or chasing one another around the […]
Pormpuraaw has two rivers. The Moonkan River to the north and to the south, the Chapman River. Beach stretches between the two mouths of the rivers and of course looks out to the Gulf of Carpentaria. Not far from the rivers are camping grounds with an amenities block and a […]
‘To me it was a very grave matter,’ he [Hudson Taylor] wrote that winter, ‘to contemplate going out to China, far from all human aid, there to depend upon the living God alone for protection, supplies and help of every kind. I felt that one’s spiritual muscles required strengthening for […]
Many years ago I read Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret (Dr and Mrs Howard Taylor, Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, 1989) It was just what I needed. It was full of treasured stories and letters and mostly focused on the events in his life when he learnt several important spiritual lessons. […]
My husband and I had a holiday. We went to places where there were hills, shops, and takeaway food. I ventured into a shop one day that sold trinkets and ornaments. But the thing that alerted my attention wasn’t the possible purchases but the salesgirl, probably fifteen or sixteen years […]
Pormpuraaw has a rubbish dump. It’s a mighty grand one. You spot it just before you reach town. There are poles at certain intervals, at the entrance to the dump, ready for the fencing but the fencing is across the way, curled up in cylinder formations, looking like hot water […]
Once upon a time there was a woman named Abigail. She was a woman of good understanding and beautiful appearance. She was married to a man named Nabal who was known for being harsh and evil in his doings. They lived in a place called Maon. Nabal was a very […]