• “It’s OK. I can do whatever I want because God’s forgiveness is always available and limitless.” What wrong thinking can you identify in that statement? I met a man who, at age 57, has neuropathy in his feet, neck, and spine. The constant excruciating pain, numbness, and incapacity are relieved […]

  • When I purchased my last car (a Mazda 6) there was a tense battle between my head and my heart. My heart wanted the luxury model with leather seats, sunroof, and Bose sound system. My head said the mid-range classic version was better economic value. In the end, my head […]

  • I’m taking a break this week. Here’s five thoughts from Jim Berg on godliness. “Godliness is a vibrant, personal relationship with God that manifests itself in actions consistent with Who God is and with what He is doing in the earth.” “Nothing erodes progress toward godliness more than today’s entertainment […]

  • There is that restlessness, that itching, urging discontent in me again this morning. The milk of the Word curdles before me or seems to sour within. Hatefulness and rebellion against all restraint is not far from the surface; and it is good that I am not alone here. “Lead me […]

  • I recently read this thoughtful, convicting article by 17th century English pastor Richard Baxter and want to share it here. “The Ten Marks of a Flesh-Pleaser” by Richard Baxter Romans 13:14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts […]

  • I remember walking into a shopping mall for the very first time and was overtaken by the size of the mall and the variety of shops that lay before me. I remember feeling very lost and very alone. This feeling was alleviated somewhat when I saw the blessed directory. Like […]