Question: “How do you reconcile the angry, wrathful God of the Old Testament to the loving, good God of the New Testament?” It’s a question that I’ve wrestled with and am often asked about so I’ve decided to compile a small list of resources to address it. These are sermons
One aspect of the Apostle Paul’s prayer for the church at Colosse was that they might “increase in the knowledge of God” (Colossians 1:10). Is there anything better? Is there a subject in all the world that should consume our time more than this? I have included below some notes
Psalm 42:1-2 (ESV) As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. What is the ultimate difference between duty and delight within the realm of Christianity? How is it that there are times in our
Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth. Rom.11:18 In our day and age a plethora of information and articles are being written on the subject of God’s sovereignty and how it harmonises with the Freewill of man. Every so-called scholar is
But as He which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, be ye holy; for I am holy. –1 Peter 1:15-16 Introduction to holiness Most believers today are genuinely willing to engage themselves in discussion surrounding the nature and
Pormpuraaw has two rivers. The Moonkan River to the north and to the south, the Chapman River. Beach stretches between the two mouths of the rivers and of course looks out to the Gulf of Carpentaria. Not far from the rivers are camping grounds with an amenities block and a
O for a thousand tongues to sing My great Redeemer’s praise, The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of his grace! Charles Wesley wrote thousands of hymns and was certainly prolific in his praise. He wrote this hymn to commemorate the renewal of his faith after a crisis
I think there is nothing so startling in all the graces of God as His quietness. When men have raged untruths in His Name, when they have used the assumed authority of the Son of God to put to death His real children, when they have with calloused art twisted
Reading through Leviticus recently, I’ve noticed a phrase that comes up time after time: “I am the Lord.” God is giving the Israelites instructions, the purpose for which is not always obvious. Then it’s as if he anticipates their question. “But why?!” Why do I have to do that? Why
I’m at that busy point in the semester where if it’s not an exam it’s an assignment due! So I’ve decided to let someone else—namely A. W. Pink—take my post for the week. This is from his The Attributes of God. If you haven’t read it yet, I encourage you