Evangelism through etymology

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As we go about our daily lives, we subtly adopt the terminology of our workplace and culture. Many of the sayings we use come from pagan origins (such as thank your lucky stars). Even though we don't think about astrology when we utter such a phrase, we are missing an opportunity to thank God and point others to him. To be effective in evangelism, we don't always have to preach a message every time we

Good change is not inevitable

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My friend, Good change is not inevitable. It seemed for years that the battle against slavery in the British Empire would be lost. Those who fought to abolish the evil of slavery—men like John Newton, William Pitt, and William Wilberforce—felt at times a sense of the impossibility of the task. They knew that this change would not happen by accident. It must be fought for. And there would be a price to pay. William

Foreword to “The Doctrine of Scripture”

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The foreword to the newest InFocus Publications book was written by Bob Hayton and follows: Another book on the King James Only debate? Much ink has been spilled and many passions expended in what may be the ugliest intramural debate plaguing conservative, Bible-believing churches today. Fundamentalists and Evangelicals, Baptists and Presbyterians, Reformed and charismatic -- all have been affected to a greater or lesser extent by those arguing for or against the King James or

The Bible is the word of God: Direct testimony of the Holy Spirit

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Ten reasons why I believe the Bible is the word of God. Tenth, on the ground of the direct testimony of the Holy Spirit We began with God and shall end with God. We began with the testimony of the second person of the Trinity, and shall close with that of the third person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit sets His seal in the soul of every believer to the Divine authority of the

The Bible is the word of God: Its correlation with knowledge and holiness

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Ten reasons why I believe the Bible is the word of God. Ninth, on the ground of the fact that as we grow in knowledge and holiness we grow toward the Bible Every thoughtful person when he starts out to study the Bible finds many things with which he does not agree, but as he goes on studying and growing in likeness to God, the nearer he gets to God the nearer he gets to

Why the abused stay: Other reasons

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This post looks at some reasons, other than fear, that the abused stay. Isn't this normal? One of the main reasons that the abused stay is that she, shockingly but genuinely, does not see herself as being abused. An abusive up-bringing may cause her to think her life is normal. That's all she knows. Having no friends to "compare notes" also keeps her blind. Or she lives in the delusion that each incident is merely

The Bible is the word of God: Inexhaustible depth of the Bible

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Ten reasons why I believe the Bible is the word of God. Eighth, on the ground of the inexhaustible depth of the book Nothing has been added to it in eighteen hundred years, yet a man like Bunsen, or Neander, cannot exhaust it by the study of a lifetime. George Müller read it through more than one hundred times, and said it was fresher every time he read it. Could that be true of any

The Bible is the word of God: Influence of the book

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Ten reasons why I believe the Bible is the word of God. Seventh, on the ground of the influence of the book There is more power in that little book to save men, and purify, gladden and beautify their lives, than in all other literature put together—more power to lift men up to God. A stream never rises higher than its source, and a book that has a power to lift men up to God

The Bible is the word of God: Character of those who accept/reject the book

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Ten reasons why I believe the Bible is the word of God. Sixth, on the ground of the character of those who accept and of those who reject the book Two things speak for the divinity of the Bible—the character of those who accept it, and, equally, the character of those who reject it. I do not mean by this that every man who professes to believe the book is better than every man that

The Bible is the word of God: History of victory over attack

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Ten reasons why I believe the Bible is the word of God. Fifth, on the ground of the history of the book, its victory over attack This book has always been hated. No sooner was it given to the world than it met the hatred of men, and they tried to stamp it out. Celsus tried it by the brilliancy of his genius, Porphyry by the depth of his philosophy; but they failed, Lucian directed