Ten reasons why I believe the Bible is the word of God.

Eighth, on the ground of the inexhaustible depth of the book

Nothing has been added to it in eighteen hundred years, yet a man like Bunsen, or Neander, cannot exhaust it by the study of a lifetime. George Müller read it through more than one hundred times, and said it was fresher every time he read it. Could that be true of any other book?

But more wonderful than this—not only individual men but generations of men for eighteen hundred years have dug into it and given to the world thousands of volumes devoted to its exposition, and they have not reached the bottom of the quarry yet. A book that man produces man can exhaust, but all men together have not been able to get to the bottom of this book. How are you going to account for it? Only in this way—that in this book are hidden the infinite and inexhaustible treasures of the wisdom and knowledge of God.

A brilliant Unitarian writer, in trying to disprove the inspiration of the Bible, says: “How irreligious to charge an infinite God with having written His whole word in so small a book.” He does not see how his argument can be turned against himself. What a testimony it is to the divinity of this book that such infinite wisdom is stored away in so small a compass.

this is part 8 of 10 in the series
Why I believe the Bible is the Word of God

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About R. A. Torrey

R. A. Torrey (1856-1928) studied at Yale and in Germany before taking up a pastorate in the United States. As a gifted intellectual, administrator, and Bible teacher, he went on to pastor Moody Church in Chicago and became D. L. Moody's closest associate. In his later years, he travelled the world as an evangelist speaking to millions in Australia, New Zealand, India, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Japan, China, Hawaii, Germany, the United States, and Canada. Torrey edited the last two volumes of the monumental "The Fundamentals" and was instrumental in the founding of both Moody Bible Institute and BIOLA University.