Welcome to my new website!
This website will have two functions going forward. First, it will serve as an online home for my writing. Second, it will serve as an archive for the best articles published at InFocus over the years.
InFocus began in 2005 as the official blog of Give Me Truth. It passed through several forms over the years until it was closed down in April, 2022. I want to take a moment now to thank so many people who invested time and energy to write and edit for InFocus over the years. In archiving InFocus, I have overseen an editorial process through which the best of those articles have been preserved and will continue to be available on this site.
The new site is designed to be a portal for my work as an author, although that work will take many forms. I currently fill roles as a pastor, an academic, and a teacher. These roles will influence the form of my writing. God willing, in the near future I will have more time to focus on the sort of writing projects that lead to books that are useful to typical believers. In the mean time, I have submitted two academic papers for publication over the last two weeks and am disciplining myself to focus on moving my doctoral work forward.
If you’re one of the readers from the old InFocus site, welcome to the new site! I hope it makes the resources from InFocus more useful to you (we are now in the long-term process of editing each article to improve its usefulness to you). If you’re just visiting for the first time, I’m glad you’ve stopped in and pray that you will benefit from this new website!
Finally, I want to thank the editor of this site, Kezia Dennison, for her many long hours of work over the last six months getting this site to where it is. Without her work, this website would not exist.
Grace to you.
About Jason Harris
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Your discernment and wisdom should be passed to others and I’m so glad this is now up and running!