Five great theological themes of the gospel: An introduction (part one)
If there is one passion that should be characteristic of every single believer, it is this passion to guard the truth which has been entrusted to us. It is a solemn thing to hold the truth in trust. And in no other area is it more solemn than where the gospel is concerned. In the next five posts, I want to outline five great theological themes of the gospel. Themes which have been entrusted to
What is the future for Israel?
Today, 23 September, 2011, is the day that Palestine will ask the United Nations to vote on its statehood. I have no idea whether this request will be passed or vetoed; and whether its aftermath will be peaceful or violent. However, 63 years after the establishment of modern Israel, its existence continues to be a hot issue in both the secular and religious worlds. From a secular standpoint Modern Israel was established in 1948 by
Heart matters
When I purchased my last car (a Mazda 6) there was a tense battle between my head and my heart. My heart wanted the luxury model with leather seats, sunroof, and Bose sound system. My head said the mid-range classic version was better economic value. In the end, my head won. The 6 is a great looking car and a pleasure to drive. However, every time I pull up to the lights next to a
Death and taxes: The theology of Easter
They say only two things are certain: Death and taxes. I suppose we could think of tax as one of a citizen's liabilities in a contract between a nation and its citizens. A contract that's broken by death. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to escape our bondage to taxes through death but then to come back to life and still be able to live a full life? The theology of Easter Paul addresses
Jim Berg on godliness
I'm taking a break this week. Here's five thoughts from Jim Berg on godliness. "Godliness is a vibrant, personal relationship with God that manifests itself in actions consistent with Who God is and with what He is doing in the earth." "Nothing erodes progress toward godliness more than today's entertainment mindset and the modern church's casual Christianity." "Energy, enthusiasm, and emotional experiences are no substitute for the daily, personal pursuit of Christ in the Word."
The Translators to the Reader
Today I present to you a document of great import: The preface to the King James Version. Along with the writings of the early fathers and the creeds, confessions, and catechisms, this document is one of the great surviving treasures of the Church of Jesus Christ. Not only is it a treasure, but it is a primary source for historical information. While I could explain these things to you in my words, for clarity, for
Things we could take for granted
The 26 March election in New South Wales would emphatically suggest that voters are looking for a new direction in the state government. The Coalition has been elected with a significant majority and the Labor government has suffered the greatest loss of seats in Australian politics. As we look forward to a new government after sixteen years, there are a few things that I am thankful for that are common to all state governments in
God and his word
I’ve appreciated Jason’s ongoing series on the King James Version and I marvel at how the ensuing discussion alternates between a fight between kung-fu masters and schoolboys in a fight. I would like to posit the following as my contribution to this series: Almost five hundred years ago, a boat set sail from the Continent loaded with a cargo of barrels for England. To the observer, the barrels would seem like any other cargo on
KJV: No honour in error
Over the last several weeks I've published three posts celebrating the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Version. KJV: Shape of my life KJV: Literary masterpiece KJV: Still translating These posts express my genuine respect for this monumental translation. I have experienced great joy in writing them. I could have written many more and may still do so at some point. But it is with great soberness that I compose this fourth
KJV: Still translating
When it comes to the translation of Scripture, the King James Version set an ideal that every literal translation since has sought to emulate. Still, in order to have an accurate understanding of history, the KJV must be viewed within the broader context of English translation of Scripture. The translators of the KJV say it best: "Zeale to promote the common good, whether it be by deuising any thing our selues, or reuising that which