• “A truly repentant person does not negotiate the consequences of his actions.”1 Scene: an abused wife has followed Biblical principles and the couple is now separated. One day, her unrepentant husband shows up at the door with her favourite flowers. He says he’s had time to think about their relationship.

  • What should a wife do when her husband has a pattern of abusing her emotionally and verbally (but not physically)? Defining emotional abuse Abuse is not the occasional burst of anger, selfishness, or criticism. Genuine abuse equals the Biblical term “oppression.” Abuse is a pattern of toxic behaviour (see chart)

  • Question: Wouldn’t a godly wife meekly submit “in everything, as to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:24)—including domestic violence—“til death us do part”? (statistically, death at his hand is a real possibility) Question: Isn’t it “acceptable with God” to “endure grief, suffering wrongfully”? (I Peter 2 & 3) In a previous post,

  • Matt Chandler, Together for the Gospel 2010: “Just because somebody speaks at this or that [conference/church/event] doesn’t mean they’re a sell-out. If they get the opportunity to open up the gospel, even in shady areas, they would be fools to not take advantage of that. They’d be fools to not