Revival in Australia

Do it again, Lord. Please. Do it again.

When I was in Bible college, I lived in a suburb of Wollongong nestled on the heights leading up to Mount Kembla. Every time I walked out the front door, there she was, that mountain peak just begging me to climb her. So one day I did. Well, almost. I

By |2024-07-09T18:32:58+10:0025 March, 2008|

The great Melbourne Mission

It was in April of 1902 that R.A. Torrey, the well known Bible teacher and successor to D.L. Moody in Chicago, held his great Melbourne Mission. The churches of Melbourne had been a long time in preparing for the meetings. Their organisation was so strong and their preparation so thorough

By |2024-07-09T18:32:57+10:001 April, 2008|

A hunger for God’s word

The glowing evangelistic days of Torrey and Alexander’s Melbourne mission in 1902 were not one-off events. There were many campaigns held around the country. One of the most notable was held in 1909 when Charles Alexander returned to Australia, this time with J. Wilbur Chapman. Chapman was one of the

By |2024-07-09T18:32:57+10:008 April, 2008|

Our country, our responsibility

This brief series on revival in Australia has not been an overview, but merely a few brief windows into the rich spiritual heritage of our nation. We could yet talk of the great evangelistic works of Lionel B. Fletcher and John G. Ridley, of Chapman and Alexander in 1912, of

By |2024-07-09T18:32:57+10:0015 April, 2008|
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