Help For the Abused

God’s opinion of abuse

And so begins Series 4 of our marital abuse posts: helping the abused. Up until now, my goal has been to define abuse. Below is a list of the topics we've covered so far. Series 1: How to spot an abuser Series 2: Why the abused stay Series 3: Why

By |2024-07-09T18:23:20+10:0022 July, 2014|

The victim’s acknowledgement

A lady tells her pastor's wife Lauren, “I wish I could talk to you about problems that I'm having in my marriage but I don't think you'd understand. Your marriage is so perfect and your husband is so gentle.” Lauren says something about how the Bible has all the answers.

By |2024-07-09T18:23:19+10:0010 August, 2014|

Biblical options for the physically abused

Question: Wouldn't a godly wife meekly submit “in everything, as to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:24)—including domestic violence—“til death us do part”? (statistically, death at his hand is a real possibility) Question: Isn't it “acceptable with God” to “endure grief, suffering wrongfully”? (I Peter 2 & 3) In a previous post,

By |2024-07-09T18:23:18+10:001 November, 2014|

Biblical options for the emotionally abused

What should a wife do when her husband has a pattern of abusing her emotionally and verbally (but not physically)? Defining emotional abuse Abuse is not the occasional burst of anger, selfishness, or criticism. Genuine abuse equals the Biblical term “oppression.” Abuse is a pattern of toxic behaviour (see chart)

By |2024-07-09T18:23:18+10:0028 January, 2015|

Signposts of true repentance

"A truly repentant person does not negotiate the consequences of his actions."1 Scene: an abused wife has followed Biblical principles and the couple is now separated. One day, her unrepentant husband shows up at the door with her favourite flowers. He says he's had time to think about their relationship.

By |2024-07-09T18:23:18+10:002 February, 2015|

Reconciliation after separation

After an abuse victim has separated from her husband due to repetitive and serious sin, she will be faced with deciding what her response will be when he approaches her about getting back together. Whether he comes with charm, tears, or threats, it is crucial for her to first have

By |2024-07-09T18:23:18+10:0019 February, 2015|

Why marital counselling is not an option

It is natural for pastors and counsellors unfamiliar with the true nature of spouse abuse to assume that because a couple is married, meeting with them together makes sense. But the National Domestic Violence Hotline states that In order for couples counselling to be successful, both partners must be willing

By |2024-07-09T18:23:18+10:002 March, 2015|

Books about marital abuse

These are some of the books by Christian authors that are available for use in self-education about marital abuse, both domestic violence and emotional/mental/verbal abuse. I have read only a small percentage of this list, therefore I naturally do not endorse every word, but I do believe the authors to

By |2024-07-09T18:23:17+10:0028 March, 2015|

The church’s response to abuse

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” –Dietrich Bonhoeffer She comes to her pastor trembling, testing his reaction to her tip-of-the-iceberg disclosure of the cruelty that persists behind the closed

By |2024-07-09T18:23:17+10:0011 May, 2015|

The abuser’s arsenal

“Why does she stay? It doesn't make sense!” An abusive husband with a Bible-believing wife has an advantage—a secret weapon. The Bible, used in a twisted way, enables him to habitually control his wife and children and get that to which he feels entitled. There are a variety of verses

By |2024-07-09T18:23:17+10:009 July, 2015|
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