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Top fifteen finds from Biblical archaeology
I was introduced to biblical archaeology back in seminary. ("What do you mean, Indiana Jones isn't real?!") I learned that archaeology is not essential to prove the veracity of the Scriptures, yet archaeology has unearthed many evidences that affirm the Bible's reliability. Old Testament scholar Walter Kaiser has listed fifteen of what he considers to be the top finds from biblical archaeology, including: 1. Ketef Hinnom Amulets In 1979, two tiny silver scrolls were discovered
On Christian weddings
Dale Morgan married tonight, and as usual, I came away soured. Twentieth-century Christian weddings are the vainest, most meaningless forms. There is no vestige of reality. The witnesses dress for a show. The flesh is given all the place. The songs are absurd if one paid any attention to the words, but no one does; they simply listen to how it is sung and not what it means. Candles are useless, but expensive trifles. Ushers
No place for pain
We didn't want to see our children go through pain, so we coddled them until they grew up to be lawless brats. We didn't want to cause our friends pain, so we refused to ever confront them about their self-destructive patterns. We didn't want to cause our bodies pain, so we collectively became the most obese, unhealthy generation in the history of the world. We didn't want to cause our law-breakers pain, so we withheld
The “acceptable” addiction
You've probably heard sermons on the sins of drunkenness, drug abuse and greed. The Bible also commands us to flee from sexual immorality. So Christians often hear warnings about the contents of TV programs or internet pornography, and rightly so!—because Christians should not be enslaved to immorality, just as we should not live for drugs or sell out for money. These are addictions which clearly we must fight against. In regard to TV and the