

Thanks for stopping by. This is where I share my writing and the things I’m passionate about. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Best regards,

Does Jesus Exist?
did Jesus exist?

Are there grounds to question the historical existence of Jesus of Nazareth?

The Jesus who was and is
the Jesus
      who was and is

Have you thought through the implications of the historical existence of Jesus?

Did the Jesus of the Bible exist?
Did the Jesus of the Bible exist?

Was Jesus just a great teacher who was deified after his death?

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InFocus Australia


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Some controversy is worth having

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I've got a raft of posts that I'm looking forward to putting up, but I felt it good to take a post or two to refresh us on what InFocus is all about. Our purpose Our purpose is... to develop the Australian blogosphere, ....to cultivate serious and useful discussion, and .........to develop a generation of readers, thinkers, and theologians. The first line reflects our belief that our generation should put the tools that God has

God’s love demonstrated

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Thanks to Facebook, I recently saw something I had not seen before in a wedding, from a couple I knew from uni. Both are musicians and in their wedding, the groom chose to sing to his bride as she approached. I showed this to teens at school and asked what they thought. Their reactions ranged from amusement to indifference, but there were also others who were quite impressed. Like me, you might not be comfortable

Pormpuraaw ponderings

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We moved to Pormpuraaw nearly a year ago. To say that living here is different from where we used to live is very true. It’s different in many ways. In some ways, it’s a different culture, a different way of looking at the world. So I thought over the 12 weeks of blogging, I could perhaps attempt to convey to you how this place is different. Being somewhere different has its advantages and disadvantages. As

Book review: The Well-Educated Mind

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Last week, I wrote that we should spend more time learning how to think. This book helps you to learn how to think. So for the curious or the busy, here’s a book review. Susan Wise Bauer’s The Well-Educated Mind: The Guide to Classical Education You Never Had argues that reading the right kind of books in the right way can greatly improve one’s ability to think and to communicate. I enjoyed Bauer’s direct writing