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Essential Virtues
I've been enjoying Jim Berg's latest book Essential Virtues: Marks of the Christ-Centered Life. Berg explains how the list of virtues in 2 Peter 1 "presents a clear template for our own growth in Christ and for our discipleship of others in the midst of our own morally corrupt culture." It's a great study on developing character. I think this initial challenge from Berg is spot-on: Believers who are not diligently cultivating these virtues of
Moving men
'To me it was a very grave matter,' he [Hudson Taylor] wrote that winter, 'to contemplate going out to China, far from all human aid, there to depend upon the living God alone for protection, supplies and help of every kind. I felt that one’s spiritual muscles required strengthening for such an undertaking. There was no doubt that if faith did not fail, God would not fail. But what if one’s faith should prove insufficient?
Parental love
Written several years ago while watching a family interact in a busy airport terminal. Parental love is firm. It rebukes and confronts in spite of personal discomfort. It rebukes again. Parental love is patient. It explains that which should be obvious. And then it explains again. Parental love is gracious. It forgives the failure that bespeaks hopeless stupidity. And it forgives again. Parental love is understanding. It stoops to soothe the irrational fear. It bothers
Religion in Australia: Statistics
Here are some interesting religion statistics. According to the ABS 2006 census: About 13 million or 64% of Australians called themselves "Christian." However, only about 7.5% attend any church services weekly (NCLS Research 2004). The main denominations continue to decline slowly, while 19% of Australians claimed "no religion." Another two million did not state or adequately describe their religion. Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, and other religions are still minorities but have also grown due to increased