Here are some interesting religion statistics. According to the ABS 2006 census:

  1. About 13 million or 64% of Australians called themselves “Christian.” However, only about 7.5% attend any church services weekly (NCLS Research 2004).
  2. The main denominations continue to decline slowly, while 19% of Australians claimed “no religion.” Another two million did not state or adequately describe their religion.
  3. Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, and other religions are still minorities but have also grown due to increased immigration from the Asian region.

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Thinking About The Data

Have another look at that pie chart. If you are independent Baptist or even simply a conservative evangelical, you represent a splinter in that pie. And beyond that “Christian” circle, there are another seven million people. Let’s work more in evangelism and discipleship, and keep our secondary issues… secondary.

Since many Australians still claim a religious background, this means there are plenty of opportunities for evangelism in conversations. Usually you can find some common ground (e.g. belief in God, life after death, moral laws) and progress toward the truths of the gospel.

I also think Bible-believing churches should ponder more about how to welcome and challenge locals who claim to be Christian but are not regenerate. I’ve often listened to people who were disillusioned by their church in their youth, and they never looked back. While their experience may be a convenient excuse to live their own way, we can still surprise them with God’s love and our commitment to the word.

One out of five Australians are saying they are not religious. I wonder if our congregations are equipped to relate to the non-religious? We should understand the gospel in a way that speaks effectively to the atheist or agnostic mind. Without casting pearls, we should be able to give a reasonable defence of the faith and be salt and light in the community.

There are many churches that are mono-cultural, i.e. Anglo or Chinese or Filipino. Nothing wrong with that, but it might limit the church to be perceived only as an “Aussie” church or a “Chinese” church. Perhaps such a church can get involved in an outreach to new immigrants and diversify.

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About Ben Kwok

Ben is part of a church plant team establishing the Rouse Hill Church. He holds a Master of Divinity degree. Ben and his wife Diahanna live in Sydney, Australia with their four young children.


  1. Jason Harris 14 October, 2010 at 1:18 pm

    Wow. I’m surprised by the dominance of the Catholic/Anglican tradition. I wonder what percentage of those are active…

    Thanks for the data and the analysis.

  2. Steve 14 October, 2010 at 2:09 pm

    Those numbers will change drastically in the next 20 years or so, as the older “religious” generation dies off and the younger “non-religious” one is counted.
    An Anglican friend was saying recently that he thinks that the Catholic and Anglican church will eventually cease to exist and most Christians will be in smaller independent churches or the larger Pentecostal ones. Time will tell.

    Some good thoughts on witnessing to people of different backgrounds, you are right, we need to be equipped to give the gospel to all, from atheists to Roman Catholics. The gospel is the same but the presentation and context may be different according to the background of the person.

  3. Ben Kwok 14 October, 2010 at 7:23 pm

    that sounds rather dire, but at any rate we have work to do whether it’s in season or out of season. What a great opportunity we have!

  4. PJ 14 October, 2010 at 9:01 pm

    Thanks for the article Ben – short, sharp and very much hitting the mark.

    Though it goes against my better nature to recommend something that comes out of the News Ltd stable, today’s piece by Greg Sheridan is very interesting and highly relevant to the issues you’ve raised. I’ll say no more – have a read:

  5. Ben Kwok 14 October, 2010 at 9:32 pm

    Funny, I read that too — he does make good points. I don’t mind reading The Australian, I think it’s more balanced and interesting than SMH for example.

  6. Evangelism Australia 29 November, 2010 at 7:51 am

    Thanks for the statistics Ben, these (and the helpful pie-chart & graph) paint a stark reality of Australia’s need for prayer, revival and Biblical evangelism.

  7. Jeremy Crooks 21 July, 2011 at 4:03 pm

    I like the comment about calling back those who have walked away from the church. Often they have sadly but inadvertently walked away from Christ, when they intended to only reject their denomination. We have a positive message to tell. People can follow Christ without needing to adopt a denominational label. I think Australians are eager to hear this message.

  8. Ben 11 December, 2011 at 10:57 am

    Not surprised really, as an atheist the only advice i’d give to the religious is ‘get used to it’. Its only gonna get worse for you guys and better for society.

  9. Jeremy Crooks 11 December, 2011 at 5:00 pm

    @ Ben, how is atheism working out for you and society as a whole? (serious question)

  10. Chelsea 13 April, 2012 at 10:17 am

    As an Aussie atheist I can answer that.. We’re pretty happy… Put crime rates are no higher than the US, and our economys in pretty good shape… Society’s doing well

    • Jeremy Crooks 13 April, 2012 at 1:17 pm

      It is possible to live happy in chosen ignorance. The problem comes once the athiest dies.

  11. Jack 30 June, 2012 at 3:16 am

    The universal problem is to help folks see that the Kingdom of God is not a “religion” at all. Most non believers or nominal believers always want argue religion statistics. That is not the core issue at all.

    Atheism is the absence of God as dark is the absence of light. It makes no sense for dark to try to explain away the energy of light. If dark wins the argument, which it cannot, what would be left?

    It is Satan himself who always diverts our conversations away from the core issue.

    The testimony of Atheism and all other “religions” will be irrelevant at the Great White Throne Judgement.

  12. evangelism 9 July, 2012 at 10:41 am

    I am surprised by the increasing number of teenagers who have no understanding of Christianity whatsoever. Large numbers of them have no idea what the message of Easter is about or any concept of the uniqueness of Jesus compared to other spiritual leaders in history. It is sad. But it is also very exciting to consider the privilege before us. Consider all the people that we can speak to out on the streets who have never heard the Gospel message. We don’t need to travel to the far regions of Africa or India to evangelise to unreached people groups. They are right here on the doorsteps of our Australian capital cities.

  13. jim Plumbe 31 July, 2012 at 2:30 pm

    It is weird that there is a decline in christianity. I’m a christian and I believe that the end is near, that soon the world will be ruled by God/Jesus but not after great tribulation led by an anti-christ

  14. Anand Isaac 26 September, 2012 at 12:01 am

    I think the problem with the so-called Christian countries is they have not seen the negative aspects of a multi-cultural society. Being in India I know how people could be burnt alive in train in the name of religion. How Australian missionary Graham Staines and his beloved boys were burnt alive for bringing light to the tribals of Orissa and the subsequent message of Christian grace and forgiveness delivered by his wife Gladys Staines. However, it looks like it is countries like Australia that need missionaries and not India or China. Because soon you could lose your economic prosperity along with the Christian faith and missionaries in China will have to bring back the word of God to you!

    • Jeremy Crooks 26 September, 2012 at 8:10 am

      Very astute observation Anand.

  15. Sharon 28 December, 2012 at 2:26 pm

    Please pray for our family as we seek God’s wisdom and discernment as missionaries to Australia. Thanks.
    Peace and grace be yours in abundance!

  16. Jade 6 January, 2013 at 8:32 am

    I have noticed that many people who claim to be Christian have never read the Bible, have a limited understanding of the Christian faith and do not frequently attend Church. It bemuses me how these people can call themselves Christian.

  17. Tristan 8 January, 2013 at 6:40 am

    Well, I stumbled across this after seeking an answer to a query I have regarding these stats. I want to know what ‘inadequte’ means. I’d like to assume that agnostic is counted as athiest because most agnostics are (they just don’t know it and think agnosticism is a third option which it’s not, if you are agnostic you don’t believe in thism and are by resonable unfallable logic usually always an athiest!). As for work to do, we athiests are coming out stronger than ever and you’ve got an uphill battle to convince anything without using resonable arguments or evidence. Good luck with that but I mean no offense, just…you’d be struggling in this era of information availability. Also, we’re trying to convince your children that religion is a primitive concept beginning with the melting ice age glaciers all the way up at Gobekli Tepe (seemingly the first temple in the world).

  18. Tristan 8 January, 2013 at 6:51 am

    I should add that what seems most prevalent to me about the comments from the thiests in the crowd here is that you feel part of something. That’s very special good for you guys. Good for you!

  19. Tristan 8 January, 2013 at 6:55 am

    and if that seems patronising then consider the remarks of one Ben Kwok

    “whether it’s in season or out of season”

    as if not believing the bible is some kind of nieve fashion thing. get real, get athiest.

  20. Jason Harris 8 January, 2013 at 12:14 pm

    Thanks for stopping by Tristan. I’m planning to address various aspects of Atheism in upcoming weeks/months. Perhaps you can stick around and let us try to convince you. =)

  21. Alexander Jordaan 20 April, 2013 at 4:32 pm

    Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all the unchurched can get back to church – we would have three years of church growth and all our worship places would be to small. This is world wide. I’m was ordained pastor of a very large Pentacostal church in South Africa and I left ministry because I was forced to resign because I opened my church up for all races. It is now 8 years that I am struggling to get reinstated as a pastor, although I am ordained in the meantime with Christian Faith Ministries. I am a fulltime teacher since 2009 and for most of the eight years never again commited myself again to a church, to protect my family against abuse. I am now for 6 months part of a church, and the abuse is still going on, for the pastor feels threatened by another pastor as a church member. If it works in Australia, I would love to come come to Australia.

  22. sierpleister 20 August, 2013 at 5:04 pm

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    article on our website. Keep up the good writing.

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