Thanks for stopping by. This is where I share my writing and the things I’m passionate about. I hope it will be helpful to you.
Best regards,
The Christian logjam
Thanks to Jason and the rest of the InFocus team for giving me the opportunity to write over the next twelve weeks. I’m excited about sharing what I have been reading and reflecting on with particular attention to the purpose of the blog: “Our purpose is to develop the Australian blogosphere, to cultivate serious and useful discussion, and to develop a generation of readers, thinkers, and theologians.” John Adams, second President of the United States,
When can’t I reach you?
We're used to saying "when can I reach you?" But the ubiquity of technology has made the inverse just as relevant. When can't I reach you? Is there a time in your day/week when I can't reach you? A time that you've set aside exclusively for other priorities? There is nothing about our culture that will encourage you to do so. In fact, the marketers still assume we're just sitting around wishing we had some
Sexual Detox
I recently read Tim Challies' little book Sexual Detox, which is a great help for Christian men in our pornified culture. The book includes a sobering description of the nature and effects of pornography and masturbation, an overview of God's plan for sex and sexuality, and practical advice for detox for husbands and men in general. I think it would make a great book for men's Bible study. Because Tim's writing is Bible-based, his perspective
Watch this space
I’ve spent the past two months researching the lives of Fred and Sybil Pucknell. Not a minute has been wasted. Not one email or one letter. I have enjoyed receiving every piece of the puzzle. I have been thrilled when someone has given me information and it has linked with someone else’s view or knowledge of them. It’s been bit of a roller coaster. I’ve gone from exhilaration to disappointment to being very puzzled and