Thanks for stopping by. This is where I share my writing and the things I’m passionate about. I hope it will be helpful to you.
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Defining ourselves
In today's world of social media, personal branding has become important. Many people are concerned about how they are perceived and how others define them. Facebook statuses, categories, and posts are often crafted to create a certain opinion of how we want to be known. However... How we define ourselves is less important than how we know ourselves to be. How others define us is less important than how they know us to be. Or
When church discipline is sin
We all know intuitively that there is a line between giving your child a smack and physically abusing him. While we may draw our lines in slightly different places, all decent people understand that there is a line and crossing it is evil. Church discipline is similar, but when it comes to church discipline, where is the line between loving confrontation and abusive harassment? Recent decades have seen a resurgence in the practice of biblical
Relationship conflicts
A sad characteristic that follows some people is the need to be critical or in conflict. This 'way of relating' is often observed in 'independent churches' who have made an art form of it. However, conflict and criticism has also flowed over into how individuals from such backgrounds relate to other individuals in life in general.
The mega church
Upon this rock, I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Twenty centuries later, Christ's church has crossed the globe. Yet, in its visible form, we often define it by buildings or large gatherings of people. So how big does a church need to be in order to be effective? If we believe the church growth movement, then mega-churches of two or three thousand members are the ones