Thanks for stopping by. This is where I share my writing and the things I’m passionate about. I hope it will be helpful to you.
Best regards,
The virtue of cutting church programmes
Cutting church programmes. Yeah. It's something we've been talking about a lot at my church. Here're some thoughts to get you... well, thinking. What's a good night to do dinner? "Hey John! We should do dinner sometime! What's a good night?" "Well, Monday night is Bible Institute. Tuesday I help out with youth group. Of course there's prayer meeting on Wednesday night. Thursday is our family night. There's a fellowship night on Friday and of
Taste testing
Psalms 34:8 O taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man that trusteth in Him! In my short period of time on this earth, I have discovered that life is a learning curve! We as humans learn much through experience, whether or not the experience is good or bad. More specifically we learn through our senses: what we hear, see, touch, taste, and smell. It’s through these senses we discern right
Facing the Giants
I don't normally do movie reviews on InFocus, but I just watched a movie that I want to tell you about. If you're not surprised that this major production was organised by Sony Pictures and a Baptist church, you probably won't be surprised that it is well produced and well written. Of course it's not a full-scale Hollywood production either, but then that's old-hat anyway. Whatever the case, this movie definitely has heart. To give
The spiritual discipline of rest
We're all comfortable with spiritual disciplines like prayer, fellowship, and Scripture reading. But rest? This afternoon I faced a decision. Usually this only happens in hypothetical situations, but today it was real life. You see, I'm at a stage in my life where I am once again very busy. I have the care of managing two businesses and overseeing dozens of employees. Add a regular preaching schedule and ministry opportunities on top of that, and