• I no longer have my first Bible. I’m not sure what happened to it, but it was one of those KJV gift and award Bibles (I probably won it in a Sunday School contest) and I think it took a fair beating. On my ninth birthday, I received my first […]

  • We’re just over a month now from welcoming 2011. Whatever else 2011 brings, it also marks four hundred years since the translation of the Authorised King James Version in 1611. This is a notable landmark for the Church of Jesus Christ and I hope to see it marked by celebration […]

  • One time in uni speech class, I was assigned to give an instructional speech. My assignment was to teach the class to throw a boomerang. Easy work, if you know how to throw one. I didn’t. I remember practicing daily in the athletic field before sunrise. During this time, I […]

  • This post was written from a public internet terminal in China. Do you know how to tell the difference between fake pearls and real pearls? Rub them together. Real pearls sound like sandpaper and they will leave a fine grain on your fingers without affecting the colour. What’s the true […]

  • In a recent post I told you a little about my visit to see P91, an ancient copy of a New Testament portion. In my attempt to keep that post to a reasonable length, I limited my comments significantly. So this is my chance to talk some more about what […]

  • Dr. Don Barker, Papyrologist and secretary of the Society for the Study of Early Christianity at Macquarie University recently took the time to show me a third century copy of God’s word known as P91 which is held there at the Sydney Museum of Ancient Cultures. He has graciously given […]

  • Dr. Don Barker offers a seminar Face to Face with the New Testament in Sydney. You can get the information on the web here (go down to #4). The following information is taken directly from the pdf brochure which Dr. Barker emailed to me (download pdf). Museum of Ancient Cultures […]

  • I was introduced to biblical archaeology back in seminary. (“What do you mean, Indiana Jones isn’t real?!”) I learned that archaeology is not essential to prove the veracity of the Scriptures, yet archaeology has unearthed many evidences that affirm the Bible’s reliability. Old Testament scholar Walter Kaiser has listed fifteen […]

  • Letter from Fritz… today. Most encouraging. Lead him on, Lord. Inspiration From Gaussen’s work Theopneustia [the Greek word which the King James Version translates “is given by inspiration of God”] I have been stimulated to define my view and reasons for inspiration of the Scriptures. Here are jottings: Gaussen defends […]

  • Satan uses Scripture. He even had the nerve to use it against Jesus at the temptation of Christ. Let’s have a quick look at how Satan used Scripture in Matthew 4:6: Satan used Scripture to make his own point. Satan used Scripture out of context and proportion. Satan used only […]