Ignorance is bliss is probably best summed up in the famous allegory of the cave where Socrates describe a group of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all of their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall by things […]
This quote from Tim Keller’s The Reason for God has really challenged my thinking over the past two weeks: A faith without some doubts is like a human body without any antibodies in it. People who blithely go through life too busy or indifferent to ask hard questions about why […]
Last week I was at the airport waiting for my flight when I received a phone call. The call was from the airport gate informing me that I was about to miss my plane. I was relaxing at the time and my first response was incredulity. “No I am not […]
“Puppy nips toddler” “Dog bites kid” “Canine savages boy” One message. Three headlines. The power of headlines Have you ever considered the power of a headline? It sets the tone for everything you’re about to read. But every story has three headlines. One that attempts to be objective and […]
I try to keep an open mind. You can broach just about any subject with me and I’m willing to listen and consider other perspectives… usually. There’s one thing that tends to get in the way of my open mind. That’s when someone has a go at someone I love. […]
In last week’s post, I addressed the first and second lines of the InFocus purpose statement. Today, I’d like to address the third line. Our purpose Our purpose is… to develop the Australian blogosphere, ….to cultivate serious and useful discussion, and ………to develop a generation of readers, thinkers, and theologians. […]
I’ve got a raft of posts that I’m looking forward to putting up, but I felt it good to take a post or two to refresh us on what InFocus is all about. Our purpose Our purpose is… to develop the Australian blogosphere, ….to cultivate serious and useful discussion, and […]
We moved to Pormpuraaw nearly a year ago. To say that living here is different from where we used to live is very true. It’s different in many ways. In some ways, it’s a different culture, a different way of looking at the world. So I thought over the 12 […]
I’ve been thinking a lot about canonicity and Christian education in the past two weeks. Here’s a side discussion off of what I’ve been reading about. Futurist magazines in the 1950s promised us flying cars and space travel as a commodity. Sixty years later we are no closer to the […]
If you thought there was a conspiracy in my writing on conspiracy theories (parts 1 and 2), you were right. I really wanted to bring it down to theology. After all, theology matters. It always matters. So where do we see conspiracy thinking in theology? Well, it seems Christians are […]