How do you determine the quality of a sermon or devotional thought? I know some Christians who assess the preaching content based upon the level of humour used; others measure its success by the inclusion of illustrations and anecdotes. Some pre-judge the message based upon the preacher’s personality; others gauge
What is an altar call? An altar call is a practice in many evangelical churches in which those who desire to make a new spiritual commitment to Jesus are invited to come forward publicly. An altar call typically begins with a simple show of hands from the congregation signifying who
‘For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord’ (2 Cor. 4:5 ) After a full life of ministry, the fifty year old Charles Spurgeon writes, ‘Souls by hundreds come to faith in Jesus under a ministry which sets Him forth clearly and constantly. Few remain unbelieving under a
The best thoughts do not always win. Ideas that are communicated effectively come out on top. I often ask myself, why are the best television advertisements for beer? Can’t the gospel be promoted with equal professionalism? Without diminishing the work of the Holy Spirit, we should ask ourselves, Is our
It was the deliberate opinion of Charley Bates, the pickpocket, that Bill Sikes’ dog was ‘an out-and-out Christian.’ ‘He wouldn’t so much as bark in a witness-box for fear of committing himself; no, not if you tied him up in one, and left him there without vittles for a fortnight,’
I remember the day as if it was yesterday. It was my first day in high school (Year Seven for international readers) and my whole world was changing. In primary school, you reach the top of the food chain in Year Six only to start again at the bottom in
Ever heard the joke “Left-handed people are the only people in their right minds”? Roger Sperry, who won a Nobel prize in 1981 for his work with split-brain research, is responsible for much of our understanding of how the two halves of the brain control different functions. In summarising some
For teens, youth group can be a great way to have fun and to learn and live out the Word. But for leaders, it’s often a challenge to juggle activities and provide proper instruction. Here are three educational resources I’ve used, which can enrich teens and assist leaders. A Sneaking
Chances are (if you’re reading this blog) you know about the launch of the Apple iPad. Perhaps you’re curious about its potential for use in a ministry context. Perhaps you have a strong opinion (for or against) based on your technological preference. I own one. Here are my initial thoughts.
The first time I had the opportunity to “teach” Bible in a public setting was at the age of fourteen. I had ten minutes in a children’s Sunday School class to talk about David & Goliath. As a lifelong church attendee, I drew on a wealth of pulpit rhetoric to