• One of the challenges Christians face is the “now, but not yet” reality of our salvation. We know that we have been bought by Christ, redeemed by his blood, forgiven by his grace, and set free from the power of sin. Yet we also know that we still live in

  • One thing I’m learning is that everyone has something dark in their past… or present… that almost nobody knows about. Sometimes it’s hard to know whether you should tell someone else or not. Here are a few thoughts on when to tell. You should consider telling someone else… 1. When

  • In part three, we saw that a mature experience of God’s love for us is the only real cure for insecurity. But knowing the love of God will not help unless we really know both the God who loves us, and the kind of love that he has for us.

  • In part one and two we saw that it is fear that drives the insecure person. While this helps us understand why the insecure person acts the way he does, it doesn’t bring us to a solution. In order to find the solution, we must find out what is driving

  • In part one, we saw in the lives of Jonathan and Nicole that insecurity is a crippling problem and is driven by fear. In part two, we’ll continue to probe the motives and desires of the insecure heart so that we can come to a meaningful and effective solution. Probing

  • Jonathan was running a few minutes late. He gave a tense nod as he entered the classroom and quickly moved to a seat in the back. He had only been at this high school for a few weeks and his one goal in life was to not be noticed. At

  • It’s almost impossible to express the depth of pain experienced by someone with an abused, neglected, or otherwise scarred background. Even after years of healing, the wounds can be shockingly fresh. One of the most common results of a conflicted past is an insecure present. Insecurity, while not restricted to