• To think and consider. This link is to an essay, being a response by John MacArthur to the Church Growth Movement.  You might be best to read John MacArthur’s address to better understand my “pushback” against some of his ideas. It is apparent that John MacArthur’s address was the opening […]

  • Conservative Fundamentalism and the Independent Baptist Movement of our day has formulated a set of unwritten rules and regulations which men and women are expected to abide by. These have no Biblical foundation, or have been ‘tweaked’ and misinterpreted to promote these extra-biblical or non-Biblical standards. Although these ‘laws,’ for […]

  • ‘Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck.’ 1 Tim.1:19 There is so much discussion occurring in magazines, blogs and the pulpits of our land regarding the subject of fundamentalism. Many Pastors are trying so hard to hold on to their concept […]

  • Do you every wonder why spirituality is respected, but religion is a dirty word? Consider the myriad of Christian terms: Protestant, Orthodox, Reformed, Charismatic, Fundamentalist, Evangelical… And this is before we use sub-denominations, philosophies, or personalities. If this definition growth continues, we will soon run out of phone boxes to […]

  • Before I went to bed on Friday night, I noticed the Oslo bombing in the headlines. But my heart sank as I pulled up the news on Saturday morning to discover the extent of the carnage and the events that followed. I felt a deep sense of sadness as I […]

  • I don’t think of myself as a Calvinist, although I greatly benefit from Reformed theology. This was not always my experience. As a child, I once heard this horrified whisper in church concerning a newcomer: “I know about him. He’s a Calvinist!”—as if the man were an alien or baddie. […]

  • This morning’s post raised some significant questions which I feel deserve a thoughtful answer. In this follow-up post, I’ll try to address some of the concerns that were raised. An unfair assessment? I agree that my assessment of the movement had serious implications. I can also see how it could […]

  • There is a crisis in Fundamentalism today and it is a crisis of credibility. To boil it down, generally, the young men don’t want what the older men are giving. The older men want to pour their lives into training young men for ministry, but the brightest and best of […]

  • Recently, a friend was asking me about modern church history. By the time I’d finished explaining bits and pieces of it, I had the broad scheme of Evangelical Christianity over the last century—at least my take on it—scribbled on a scrap of paper. Discerning that there could be value in […]

  • So it’s been big stuff over on the other side of the planet. The big names have gotten involved: Doran, Bauder, Vaughn… John MacArthur’s second hand man, Phil Johnson, is watching. Even John Piper has put in his two cents. What’s it all about? I understand most of you don’t […]