• English poet William Cowper (pronounced cooper) lived a dark life. His mother died when he was six, after giving birth to his brother. Little William was then sent away to boarding school and was cruelly abused. His father was a distant figure. After various episodes of instability, Cowper became a […]

  • I worked part-time in a department store during my seminary years. The store promoted clothing from Ralph Lauren and other brands, with glossy posters and creative displays. Each brand presented a certain “look” to attract the customer. I soon became aware of the value of style. What is style? Style […]

  • I recently read Tim Challies’ little book Sexual Detox, which is a great help for Christian men in our pornified culture. The book includes a sobering description of the nature and effects of pornography and masturbation, an overview of God’s plan for sex and sexuality, and practical advice for detox […]

  • When was the last time you had a gospel conversation? Is the gospel difficult for you to explain? If you are rusty with evangelism, you could really benefit from Two Ways To Live. What’s Good About It Theology The Two Ways To Live outline presents these theological points: 1. Creation […]

  • My high school classes are learning the Westminster Shorter Catechism, and this week we covered this question: Question 83: Are all transgressions of the law equally heinous? Answer: Some sins in themselves, and by reason of several aggravations, are more heinous in the sight of God than others. Puritan pastor […]

  • In the Pixar movie Up, the story begins as a boy and girl meet and share a scrap book of their adventures. They later marry, still dreaming of exploring new lands. Growing old together, they were never able to actually go overseas and the wife passed away. Eventually the old […]

  • I’ve been enjoying Jim Berg’s latest book Essential Virtues: Marks of the Christ-Centered Life. Berg explains how the list of virtues in 2 Peter 1 “presents a clear template for our own growth in Christ and for our discipleship of others in the midst of our own morally corrupt culture.” […]

  • Here are some interesting religion statistics. According to the ABS 2006 census: About 13 million or 64% of Australians called themselves “Christian.” However, only about 7.5% attend any church services weekly (NCLS Research 2004). The main denominations continue to decline slowly, while 19% of Australians claimed “no religion.” Another two […]

  • Every day we are reminded of the incompetence of government. We hear it on the news and from our co-workers. We remember it when we’re stuck in traffic or waiting for a bureaucrat to answer the phone. Misguided policies and wasteful programs are commonplace. (I speak as a long-suffering New […]

  • For teens, youth group can be a great way to have fun and to learn and live out the Word. But for leaders, it’s often a challenge to juggle activities and provide proper instruction. Here are three educational resources I’ve used, which can enrich teens and assist leaders. A Sneaking […]