How does a young mother survive losing two babies? (a press interview with Nancy Guthrie) At KCC’s #OneLove14 women’s event and #Oxygen2014 week-long conference last month in Sydney, the speaker that touched my heart the most was Nancy Guthrie. Here are questions the press asked Nancy and her candid answers. […]
Healing. Sweetness. Joy. Edification. Humility. If you try to make this stuff happen, you will fail. The stuff I talk about here is the fruit. The root is the forgiveness, compassion, benevolence, and prayer we looked at in part one. Part one is the means. Part two is the ends. […]
I spoke at a family camp at Crystal Creek Christian Camp over the weekend. If you’ve ever been there, you know the blessing it is to fellowship with God’s people around the word in such beautiful surroundings. In one of my sessions, I spoke about the night Jacob encountered God […]