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On the atonement
Leviticus 12, 13 "I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me" ( Pss. 51:5 KJV). From the beginning of my life my contact has been with the unclean—how than can a man become pure? The atonement blood that cleanses my mother must avail also for me. O Lamb of God, what a sacrifice Thou art! Whose blood could avail like Thine? Goat's blood could not cleanse for animals are nonmoral.
On Bono and other lame fads
I debated whether to post this today. In the end, it's not about singling out one guy. But sometimes dealing with a real situation can make a truth appropriately pointed. So here goes... The pre-story I recently read a post by an Australian pastor boasting that he was going to preach on Bono on Sunday. I commented urging him to preach the word instead. I was soundly rebuked and brushed off as immature. I was
What really matters
I recently read the story of Caleb from Joshua chapter 14. As far as biblical heroes go, I had always considered 85 year-old Caleb to be the hero of elderly believers. But we all can learn from this godly old man: The phrase, “wholly followed the Lord” is repeated three times in this story. First Caleb testified he had followed God wholly. Moses had also attested that Caleb wholly followed God. The story records that
Abortion in Australia
Pro-life speaker Bruce Coleman (Choices Of Life) spoke in our school this week, regarding the value of life and the Christian response to abortion. Several students expressed thanks for the informative and practical presentation, which also prompted me to do some research. Some online statistics I gathered: Australia's abortion rate is high in comparison to other developed nations. There are around 90,000 abortions in Australia each year, or two aborted lives for every five