Thanks for stopping by. This is where I share my writing and the things I’m passionate about. I hope it will be helpful to you.
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The startling quietness of God
I think there is nothing so startling in all the graces of God as His quietness. When men have raged untruths in His Name, when they have used the assumed authority of the Son of God to put to death His real children, when they have with calloused art twisted the Scriptures into fables and lies, when they have explained the order of His creations in unfounded theories while boasting the support of rational science,
John Stott: The Cross of Christ
I'm currently enjoying John Stott's great work The Cross of Christ, which is full of helpful insights on the cross as the New Testament's dominating theme. (A good survey for initial study is Leon Morris' The Cross In The New Testament) Here's a couple examples: "Our substitute, then, who took our place and died our death on the cross, was neither Christ alone…nor God alone…but God in Christ, who was truly and fully both God
A life of godliness in light of an early death
“Enjoyed much sweetness” (as he puts it) in the reading of the last months of Brainerd’s life. How consonant are his thoughts to my own regarding the “true and false religion of this late day.” Saw, in reading him, the value of these notations and was much encouraged to think of a life of godliness in the light of an early death. Have spent these last two days entirely in reading—six to eight hours a
Because I said so
Reading through Leviticus recently, I've noticed a phrase that comes up time after time: "I am the Lord." God is giving the Israelites instructions, the purpose for which is not always obvious. Then it's as if he anticipates their question. "But why?!" Why do I have to do that? Why does it have to be like that? I don't understand! Then God answers with the simple statement "I am the Lord." In other words, "Because