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Historical sources: What are they?
Thanks for your comments on the previous post. I would like to expand on the discussion for those of you who would like to know more. A really simple introduction to primary and secondary sources Primary sources are bits and pieces of your life that are accessible to other people. Your driver’s license and the fading Bunnings receipts that you keep in your wallet are both primary sources. Your accurate or inaccurate memory of past
“Next to the Bible, the book I value most”
On one side of John Bunyan's tomb in London, there is a portrayal of the pilgrim Christian, struggling with his burden. The other side of the tomb shows Christian kneeling at the cross, with the burden rolled away. That scene captures (for me) the most memorable part of Pilgrim's Progress, where Christian finds salvation from his sins at the cross. "He ran thus till he came at a place somewhat ascending; and upon that place
What happened in Canberra last week?
I generally avoid politics in my posts—not because I don't have anything to say, but because I have a bit too much to say, much of which is not worth saying. But many Australians have been shocked by the events in Canberra last week. These events have opened up a good opportunity for us to learn about our political system, and that's good. It seems many Australians assumed that our political system was primarily a
Well Calvin burned a man at the stake…
The year is 2100 and one of your descendants is doing some research into your life. Because you are not someone of great significance, your descendant will probably find a birthday, time of death, property records, and one or two anecdotes depending on how well you store your digital information and/or how well you are remembered within your family. Oh... they might find some photos as well. That’s pretty humbling. The untold number of conversations