Thanks for stopping by. This is where I share my writing and the things I’m passionate about. I hope it will be helpful to you.
Best regards,
Dodgy governments
Every day we are reminded of the incompetence of government. We hear it on the news and from our co-workers. We remember it when we're stuck in traffic or waiting for a bureaucrat to answer the phone. Misguided policies and wasteful programs are commonplace. (I speak as a long-suffering New South Welshman) Whether it's a local, state or federal issue, dodginess is something we simply expect from government. Our authorities are not only "tricky," they
Mitre 11
Pormpuraaw has a rubbish dump. It’s a mighty grand one. You spot it just before you reach town. There are poles at certain intervals, at the entrance to the dump, ready for the fencing but the fencing is across the way, curled up in cylinder formations, looking like hot water systems standing and waiting for attention. As you enter the dump, on the left you see piles of white goods giving the impression of a
Of relationship and an open mind
I try to keep an open mind. You can broach just about any subject with me and I'm willing to listen and consider other perspectives... usually. There's one thing that tends to get in the way of my open mind. That's when someone has a go at someone I love. Don't get me wrong. I'm still willing to talk about those things and I try to still keep an open mind. But it's different. If
Resources for youth groups
For teens, youth group can be a great way to have fun and to learn and live out the Word. But for leaders, it's often a challenge to juggle activities and provide proper instruction. Here are three educational resources I've used, which can enrich teens and assist leaders. A Sneaking Suspicion (John Dickson) Written primarily for non-Christian teens, the book provides an evangelistic perspective on issues such as relationships and sex, beauty, suffering, morality, and