Thanks for stopping by. This is where I share my writing and the things I’m passionate about. I hope it will be helpful to you.
Best regards,
Let it be
Ah, a Beatles song. Isn’t it? Maybe that’s what went through your mind when you first read the title. Maybe, maybe not. Depends how old you are, what kind of music you prefer (or once preferred) or what you were thinking about as you sat to read this post. For me, it’s not about “Mother Mary coming to me, speaking words of wisdom” but God speaking words of wisdom. It reminds me of a verse
The patience of the gospel
"You just don't get it!" "You'd have to be blind not to see it!" "The fact that you can't see your wrong is worse than the wrong itself!" These are the kinds of thoughts that sometimes go through my head as I interact with a person I believe has wronged me or hurt me. In the home, in the church, in the workplace—we all have situations where we are absolutely sure that the other person
Why some sins are worse than others
My high school classes are learning the Westminster Shorter Catechism, and this week we covered this question: Question 83: Are all transgressions of the law equally heinous? Answer: Some sins in themselves, and by reason of several aggravations, are more heinous in the sight of God than others. Puritan pastor Thomas Watson (1620-1686) wrote a helpful description of the degrees of sin, excerpted below. It's a sobering study and well worth the read: 2.Such sins
Sticks, sand, and slingshots
Children live in Pormpuraaw. They can be found in many places around here. You don't have to look far even if you're just driving into town. They could be playing marbles on the road, throwing rocks at certain trees to get the fruit down or chasing one another around the yard. Sometimes a bang on a roof or a pole tells you someone might even be using a slingshot. They can be seen in their