Thanks for stopping by. This is where I share my writing and the things I’m passionate about. I hope it will be helpful to you.
Best regards,
Jim Berg on godliness
I'm taking a break this week. Here's five thoughts from Jim Berg on godliness. "Godliness is a vibrant, personal relationship with God that manifests itself in actions consistent with Who God is and with what He is doing in the earth." "Nothing erodes progress toward godliness more than today's entertainment mindset and the modern church's casual Christianity." "Energy, enthusiasm, and emotional experiences are no substitute for the daily, personal pursuit of Christ in the Word."
The Translators to the Reader
Today I present to you a document of great import: The preface to the King James Version. Along with the writings of the early fathers and the creeds, confessions, and catechisms, this document is one of the great surviving treasures of the Church of Jesus Christ. Not only is it a treasure, but it is a primary source for historical information. While I could explain these things to you in my words, for clarity, for
Australian, Baptist, independent… and Calvinist?
I don't think of myself as a Calvinist, although I greatly benefit from Reformed theology. This was not always my experience. As a child, I once heard this horrified whisper in church concerning a newcomer: "I know about him. He's a Calvinist!"—as if the man were an alien or baddie. In another church, I saw a man actually cover his ears during a sermon on predestination, so adamant was he against it. Clearly, what you
Ministers and science
Our church participated in our monthly bush regeneration project with the local community yesterday. While sitting in the mulch I was thinking about ministers and science. Ministers need to be professionally curious about scientific issues. Ministers are usually able to be conversant on a wide range of issues. Furthermore, most people value what you have to say in respect of your study in the Word of God. How many of you are guilty of knowing