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Why the abused stay: Fear (part 2)
Here are more fear-based reasons the abused stay. The reputation of Christ Another fear Christian wives have that makes them stay is thinking that a separation will hurt the cause of Christ—especially if her husband has a presence in the community or is a leader in the church (yes, he can be the pastor). What she should understand is that supporting and hiding the abuse is what will hurt the testimony of Christ. A while
The Bible is the word of God: Unity of the book
Ten reasons why I believe the Bible is the word of God. Third, on the ground of the unity of the book This is an old argument, but a very satisfactory one. The Bible consists of sixty-six books, written by more than thirty different men, extending in the period of its composition over more than fifteen hundred years; written in three different languages, in many different countries, and by men on every plane of social
Why the abused stay: Fear (part 1)
"Why in the world doesn't she just leave him?!" Did that question pop into your mind too while reading about all that the abused endure in Series 1? The answer is not simple. There are so many intertwining factors, but the foundational reason is fear. "Let Not the Wife Depart" An abused wife who loves her Lord fears displeasing him. Many churches give an abused wife no option of setting boundaries or consequences. Sadly, the
The Bible is the word of God: Fulfilled prophecies
Ten reasons why I believe the Bible is the word of God. Second, on the ground of its fulfilled prophecies There are two classes of prophecies in the Bible—first, the explicit, verbal prophecies, second, those of the types. In the first we have the definite prophecies concerning the Jews, the heathen nations and the Messiah. Taking the prophecies, regarding the Messiah as an illustration, look at Isaiah 53, Mic. 5:2, Dan. 9:25-27. Many others might