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Does Jesus Exist?
did Jesus exist?

Are there grounds to question the historical existence of Jesus of Nazareth?

The Jesus who was and is
the Jesus
      who was and is

Have you thought through the implications of the historical existence of Jesus?

Did the Jesus of the Bible exist?
Did the Jesus of the Bible exist?

Was Jesus just a great teacher who was deified after his death?

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InFocus Australia


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Real guns and ANZAC Day

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I've generally tended to think of ANZAC day as just another holiday to spend having a picnic and playing cricket with friends, but this year I've felt a strong urge, almost a conviction, that if we as a nation are going to take a day off for a particular purpose, that I ought to take that purpose seriously. Whatever the case, that was my rationale for attending this morning's ANZAC service downtown. I was struck

Printed music vs. projection: Effective use of projection

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Since hymnals have been around for years, there's less need to discuss their use. Projection on the other hand is relatively new and extremely difficult to use well. As seen in my last post, I'm not arguing for or against using projection. I am saying that if you use it, watch out for these pitfalls. Template Conservative - Choose a conservative template that does not draw attention to itself and be sure it is free

Printed music vs. projection: A comparison

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God has blessed the church today with a wonderful heritage of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs which have been passed down through the centuries. In recent centuries the church has enjoyed the blessing of modern technology in the form of hymnals. More recently, many churches are using modern technology to project music onto a screen or wall. The question is, which should your church use? Printed music or projection? While the church must always be

My burden for the Australian blogosphere

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Atmosphere could be defined as the weather or climate at some place. So is it even logical to refer to "the Australian atmosphere"? After all, the Australian atmosphere today may be the Indonesian atmosphere tomorrow. Just as the idea of a line between Australia's atmosphere and Indonesia's is a slightly hazy concept, so there are no clear delineations between Australia's blogosphere and that of the rest of the world. Still, there is enough distinction to