I believe the environment at Givemetruth.net is at it’s healthiest level ever. Some may not understand what I mean when I say that, so I want to take a moment to explain my heart and vision for Givemetruth.net and to ask you the reader to get on board with what God is doing here.

Where are we going?

In just over a year of existence, Givemetruth.net has become a major influence among the young people of our movement. Givemetruth.net has never sought to replace the church as God’s plan for spiritual discipleship, but it has sought to support the ministry of the church by networking the future of our movement in spiritual interaction and godly relationships.

If you want to know where GMT is going, you need to understand our purpose statement:

The purpose of givemetruth.net, an interactive Fundamentalist community, is to develop a network of edifying relationships, to nurture a sincere pursuit of and love for the truth, and to cultivate an environment in which believers can be conformed to the image of Christ for the glory of God.

We’re about relationships. It’s one thing to argue doctrine, but it’s another to build long-term relationships where Christianity has to be lived out in daily interaction. We love truth. This means we don’t settle for simplistic answers and proof-text rebuttals. We understand that sometimes it’s not as clear as we’d like it to be and we want to be humble enough to admit that and go on maintaining a clear conscience before God and men. We’re about Christ. He is the whole point of Christianity and we want everything we do at GMT to demonstrate that.

What all this means is that we’re not here to entertain with wild controversies. Though GMT is an excellent place to develop convictions and to grow in doctrinal understanding, it is not a place just to argue about theology. There’s so much more to the future of our movement than just that.

Is there hope for Australian Fundamentalism?

When I say “our movement,” I’m referring to biblical Fundamentalism in Australia. That’s what we are and that’s what we stand for. However, I believe many young people have lost faith in our movement. I believe many are frustrated with what they perceive to be weaknesses and inconsistencies. We must understand that every ministry has weaknesses. Every person does too. The thing that each new generation must come to grips with is that we don’t have to perpetuate the weaknesses of our movement. We can improve. We can change. We can grow. We don’t have to cling to yesterday because we have the Book of tomorrow and the God who wrote it.

Givemetruth.net is a place where young people can get the big picture of what God is doing in our movement, and he is doing a lot. Maybe you’re in a down time in your corner of the movement or in your life, but God is working all across this nation. See the big picture and throw yourself into this cause that is bigger than yourself.

A cause bigger than yourself

One of the greatest lessons a person can learn is to become part of something that is bigger than himself. No one person could have built the movement our generation is inheriting, but our parents realised that and hundreds of them invested their lives in something far bigger than themselves so that we could enjoy the blessings we do today. And no one person can take the movement on to the next level of growth and maturity, but together we can see God do an amazing work here. And in our lifetime.

I don’t know all that God will do in our movement for his glory, but I do know that he “is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think” and he wants to. I believe that we will see things happen in our generation that the last generation dared not dream about. Will you dream with us? Will you invest your life in what God is doing here?

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About Jason Harris

Dr Jason Harris is a writer, pastor, and academic. He has authored multiple books, articles, and papers including his book Theological Meditations on the Gospel. Jason has a PhD from James Cook University as well as degrees in theology, music, accounting, and research. Jason has lived in Cairns, Australia since 2007 and serves as pastor at CrossPoint Church. You can contact Jason at jason@jasonharris.com.au.