• The following is the first in a ten-part series written by R. A. Torrey. ed. I was brought up to believe that the Bible was the word of God. In early life I accepted it as such upon the authority of my parents, and never gave the question any serious […]

  • Those who hold to a TR-only position like to think that they hold a moderate position. They typically repudiate the extremes of Ruckmanism in the strongest terms while repudiating the “extremes” of contemporary texts/translations just as firmly. It is my intention in this post to explain why I believe it […]

  • Last week I began a two part series on nine benefits of the word of God. I have already explained the first give benefits: 1. The word of God is pure. 2. The word of God is pertinent. 3. The word of God is powerful. 4. The word of God […]

  • The purpose of this post is to briefly critique the theory that the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible destroys the biblical basis for the doctrine of the full deity of Jesus Christ. It is not my intention to promote the NIV or to defend it on every point, […]

  • The first recorded question in the Bible was asked by the subtle serpent of Genesis 3. His question: ‘Yea hath God said…?’ intended to sow the seed of doubt in the mind of Eve with regards to the Word of God. It is no wonder that many people today are […]

  • Today I present to you a document of great import: The preface to the King James Version. Along with the writings of the early fathers and the creeds, confessions, and catechisms, this document is one of the great surviving treasures of the Church of Jesus Christ. Not only is it […]

  • I’ve appreciated Jason’s ongoing series on the King James Version and I marvel at how the ensuing discussion alternates between a fight between kung-fu masters and schoolboys in a fight. I would like to posit the following as my contribution to this series: Almost five hundred years ago, a boat […]

  • Over the last several weeks I’ve published three posts celebrating the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Version. KJV: Shape of my life KJV: Literary masterpiece KJV: Still translating These posts express my genuine respect for this monumental translation. I have experienced great joy in writing them. […]

  • When it comes to the translation of Scripture, the King James Version set an ideal that every literal translation since has sought to emulate. Still, in order to have an accurate understanding of history, the KJV must be viewed within the broader context of English translation of Scripture. The translators […]

  • It is no presumption to elevate the King James Version to the level of masterpiece.1 Indeed, the voices raised in praise of the King James Version during this 400th anniversary celebration are myriad (BBC, NPR, More NPR, Buckingham Palace, major newspapers around the world, etc.). The KJV, along with the […]