Welcome to my new website! This website will have two functions going forward. First, it will serve as an online home for my writing. Second, it will serve as an archive for the best articles published at InFocus over the years. InFocus began in 2005 as the official blog of […]
It is a well known fact among bloggers that controversial posts generate more hits than non-controversial posts. As a long-time blogger, I’ve often had to assess my motives at this juncture. I could say something in a less controversial way and get some people to read it. Or I could […]
The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White, has been in print for over fifty years and has helped over 10 million writers. With less than 100 pages, this book provides concise instructions and advice concerning grammar, composition, and style. You will probably find it in your […]
I’ve never considered myself to be an avid writer, but I do enjoy expressing my thoughts on paper and analysing what I am thinking. Playing music is another way I enjoy expressing thoughts and feelings I may be experiencing. Expression is something very much innate in every human being. It […]