• Thanks for your thoughtful responses to my last post on altar calls. The consensus is “it depends.” So my next question is: it depends on what? Let’s talk about the factors determining methodology when the Bible is silent. How does your personal experience influence your methodology? Many of you referenced

  • Let’s discuss the use of altar calls in church services. For the purpose of this blog post, an altar call is an event that takes place after preaching. It involves an invitation from the preacher to come to the front of the church in response to the message. For 1)

  • I debated whether to post this today. In the end, it’s not about singling out one guy. But sometimes dealing with a real situation can make a truth appropriately pointed. So here goes… The pre-story I recently read a post by an Australian pastor boasting that he was going to

  • Allegory is a great tool for illustrating a truth. Allegory is not evidence for that truth. Another way to say it is that allegory is designed to bring truth home. It is not designed to defend truth. To merely preach allegory is to preach without evidence and defence for the

  • “There around you are immortal souls perishing in their sins, each one of more value than the whole material universe, each capable of being saved by your ministrations, and sure to acquire, by neglecting them, a deeper guilt and a heavier condemnation: there, in sight of your faith, is the

  • “Sense a need for a voice and vocabulary that will not only reach the saints—the brethren and the fundamentalists—it must be that I can learn to speak fresh words startlingly enough to rouse them. But for the modernist, I must have terms so well defined and blunt as to maintain