• “Terrible, isn’t it?” The cashier girl commented on the newspaper I was browsing, referring to the events in Japan this week. “Yes it is… what do you think about it?” I asked. The girl pondered for a moment. “Seems like we’re out of harm’s way here in Sydney!” Leaving the […]

  • I generally avoid politics in my posts—not because I don’t have anything to say, but because I have a bit too much to say, much of which is not worth saying. But many Australians have been shocked by the events in Canberra last week. These events have opened up a […]

  • I’ve been particularly busy with uni, so since not many of you follow me on Twitter, I thought I’d give you some of my recent tweets for your edification and/or amusement. tweet 1: A hassle is something in which the effort required exceeds the value placed on the outcome. tweet […]

  • If you lead or help in a church ministry, here are four Australian resources which can assist and encourage you. Matthias Media Matthias Media is a local evangelical publisher with a distinct focus: We’re not the slightest bit interested in adding to the already monumental pile of Christian books churned […]

  • I’ve really enjoyed using my Twitter account to store all my momentary profundities. Here are ten recent tweets… tweet 1: Mao’s Last Dancer… freedom is precious to those who have lived without it. tweet 2: Oh yeah, Darwin’s that guy who discovered the amazing adaptability God built into His creation… […]

  • [Source] [Source] [Source] [Source] [Source] [Source] [Source] On Sunday when I first heard that there were some 30 fatalities from the Victoria fires, I was shocked. I just didn’t realise that the fires could be that deadly. Now with the death toll over 180 and expected to rise significantly, I […]

  • The Olympic torch relay has been an absolute debacle. It’s like the whole world is participating in a big shaming of China. And for good reason. China has been trying to play with the big boys economically for quite some time now but has avoided accountability at all cost. Well, […]

  • If you’re like me, you recently received a packet in the Post introducing the federal government’s new NetAlert project. The Prime Minister is to be commended for his active approach to online safety. Notes can be sent to the Prime Minister by email or Post from here. I found it […]

  • When I sat through History of Civilisation class in 2000, the biggest event in modern history was Pearl Harbor. People used to ask “where were you when you heard about the attack on Pearl Harbor?” Today, we ask a different question. September 11, 2001, 9.55 am: I walk into my […]