I’ve been particularly busy with uni, so since not many of you follow me on Twitter, I thought I’d give you some of my recent tweets for your edification and/or amusement.
tweet 1: A hassle is something in which the effort required exceeds the value placed on the outcome.
tweet 2: Today is tomorrow’s yesterday.
tweet 3: To the immoderate, moderation seems extreme.
tweet 4: Some people’s security is manufactured in China and retailed by Kmart.
tweet 5: What you did “today” yesterday is most likely what you’ll do “today” tomorrow.
tweet 6: God hears the prayer of a child with the same interest as the He hears the prayer of an MP.
tweet 7: An excess of mugs around the house may be evidence of a culture that is losing touch with what gift giving is really about.
tweet 8: The difference between an expert and a critic is that the expert can also tell you how to do it right.
tweet 9: Jesus’ coming to earth was like downgrading from digital HD surround-sound home theatre with Blu Ray to a black and white tube television.
tweet 10: Preachers: Let the Word speak. Don’t muzzle it. Don’t muddle it. Let it speak.
tweet 11: There is incredible power in an hour in a coffee shop with a Bible, paper, and a pen.
tweet 12: Small talk can make a big impression.
tweet 13: The Christian life is one of unrivalled suffering and unrivalled joy.
tweet 14: The simplicity of sincerity.
tweet 15: Care enough to know. Dare enough to be known.
tweet 16: “You are a ring-bearer, Frodo. To bear a ring of power is to be alone.” -Galadriel, The Lady of the Wood
tweet 17: Often has the kingdom of Christ marched forward over a cup of coffee.
tweet 18: That’s the thing about things that “go without saying.” They should never go without being said.
tweet 19: Methods change. Principles never do.
tweet 20: There’s a big difference between hating error and loving truth.
tweet 21: Just because something is common doesn’t mean it’s normal.
tweet 22: The only alternative to letting your friends find out who you really are is to trick them into thinking you’re someone you’re not.
tweet 23: The human spirit is a stunning combination of resilience and fragility.
tweet 24: Peter’s impetuosity occasioned many a blessed opportunity for us to learn from his master. Thank you, Peter.
tweet 25: Be real first. Then be godly. Otherwise, you’ll never know if it’s just a mask or if you’re really godly.
tweet 26: Thinks “Hampster Huey and the Gooey Kablooie” would be a great book. =D https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2010/02/03/
About Jason Harris
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I like #16. =P
What is Chilcott’s Jubilate? I looked for it on youtube and couldn’t find it… =)
Google Chilcott. I don’t know of a recording of the piece but I have it on a choir CD from university.