• Someone recently told me “I have no reason to think your Jesus ever lived or died.” The comment seems absurd to those who live within the orb of Christianity, but are there grounds to question the historical existence of Jesus of Nazareth? The question really entails two questions. The first

  • Recently, an American pastor, Jeremy Wallace, got a lot of attention when he addressed the topic Why Independent Baptist Missions is Failing. I encourage you to read the whole post. An excerpt follows: Something must change with how we do Independent Baptist Missions.  The current process is a colossal failure…

  • I’ve been meaning to get in the habit of reviewing books after I’ve read them. Problem is, I don’t read the sorts of books most people review. So I wanted to explain my approach to reading. Cutting edge is good? My approach to reading is based on the premise that

  • It’s that time of year. For some that might mean perpetual darkness. Or perpetual cold and snow. Or perpetual heat. In the Far North, it means perpetual rain. Of course up here we don’t flood. Or where we do, it’s little surprise and about as much drama. Not all of

  • So you are the victim of a crime. It may be publicly known or it may be unknown to most. It may be recent or it may be the silent horror of a broken childhood. The perpetrator may be someone you know well or someone you never met before the

  • Living in a broken world is messy. It would be nice if everyone saw eye-to-eye and problems were easily resolved. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. Even believers sometimes find themselves in bitter disputes with other believers. This raises the question: Is it ok to take another believer to court?

  • Have you ever found yourself at that point where you’re lost for words? You’ve tried everything, you’ve done everything you can, and things still turn out bad? What should we do when we come to that place? Here are some meditations. 1) Move to the centre. When we can’t explain

  • Couldn’t have said it better myself, Linus. Grace to you.  

  • Ministry means working with people. And people are sinners. So those who are ministering to others will at times find themselves knee deep in messy situations. Unfortunately, these situations often involve criminal behaviour which has never been reported to the civil authorities. Probably the most common instances are child abuse

  • It is a universal principle that people need enemies. Loud protests notwithstanding, people need enemies. It is fundamental to modern politics. The left has the right. The right has the left. The people have the politicians. And the politicians have the people. We all have enemies. And we have them