Sometimes I log on for fun. Sometimes I log on just because I’m in the mood. Sometimes I log on because I need encouragement. Sometimes I log on because I’m eager to reap from the vast and endless wisdom that flows from the minds of our many posters. But whatever is happening on the surface, there’s always an underlying reason why I log on to
Givemetruth is not just about fun, it’s about Australia, it’s about the future of Fundamentalism, it’s about you. Givemetruth is about spiritual survival in hostile enemy territory. It’s about networking with young people all over Australia (and the world) who believe the fundamentals of the faith and love the Lord Jesus Christ.
I went through my teen years in a small country town in Australia and I know what it is like to feel isolated. Givemetruth is about turning that isolation into community. So what can you do? Well, you can promote, you can post, you can support, you can keep the calendar up to date, you can volunteer to get involved. Fun? Yes, it’s fun. But it’s not about fun. When you log on, come to serve, come to love, come to provoke others to love God and do right.
About Jason Harris
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I logged onto this website because I was told that this website was good and that I am saved from god and I am a true believer in god and would like to meet christian friends.
Volunteer to get involved with what? =D
PM Alen. I’m sure he’ll get you busy. =)