Life is not a game. God made us and He put us here for a purpose. Sounds obvious, but it’s so easy to forget when you live in the technology toy factory we call modern Australia.

You know what I mean.

Facebook, Twitter, forums, blogs…

iPhone, iPod, iMac…

X-box, Wii, PlayStation…

Email, texts, mobiles, landlines, IM…

The list could go on and on. There’s nothing wrong with these technologies, but we’ve got to remember they’re not just toys, they’re tools. With that in mind, here are a few ideas to help keep technology in its place.

Be deliberate

Find tools that will help you fulfil your life purpose more efficiently and effectively. Eliminate those that distract from that purpose.

Be protective

Be protective (of your time and attention). Guard your attitude toward communication tools. Just because the phone rings or an email arrives doesn’t mean God’s priorities for your life have changed. Don’t be a slave to your communication tools. With very few exceptions, you don’t owe anyone an immediate response to a communication.

Be efficient

There are a lot of tools which will allow you to do more in less time online. Find them and put them to use. Then use that time in more profitable ways.

Be selective

You don’t have to own/participate in every new technology or web fad that comes along. Ask others how it’s worked for them. Weigh your options. Participate intentionally.

Be Christian

Don’t check your Christianity at the door. If you’re online, be a light for Christ online. If you’re txting, be a Christian txter. Technology allows us to maintain more relationships more easily than ever before. Develop relationships with lost people and preach Christ to them.

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About Jason Harris

Dr Jason Harris is a writer, pastor, and academic. He has authored multiple books, articles, and papers including his book Theological Meditations on the Gospel. Jason has a PhD from James Cook University as well as degrees in theology, music, accounting, and research. Jason has lived in Cairns, Australia since 2007 and serves as pastor at CrossPoint Church. You can contact Jason at


  1. Alen 2 June, 2009 at 10:01 pm

    I’m up for winning $20 grand :D

  2. Jason 2 June, 2009 at 10:32 pm

    Go for it. =P

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