A call to serious reading

A call to serious reading (part one)

If you had the opportunity to spend several hours with any leader in the world, would you take it? Probably all of us would jump at the chance. You may not have the opportunity to spend a few hours with them in person, but chances are, you could do it

By |2024-07-09T18:38:53+10:0010 May, 2006|

A call to serious reading (part two)

In part one we saw that every believer would benefit by cultivating a balanced reading habit. Following are three suggestions for a balanced reading habit. Read critically Critical thinking is not only an essential life skill; it's a biblical command (1 Thessalonians 5:21). According to Stephen Lucas (The Art of

By |2024-07-09T18:38:53+10:0022 June, 2006|
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